Tomato gardening is a great way for you to get started with vegetable gardening if you want to test the waters or trying to fool around with gardening. Tomatoes grow easily, there will be no problems growing them indoors or outdoors and if you are planning to plant something that you can serve during meals, tomatoes is the most popular vegetable that appear on most recipes.
Before we move deeper into tomato gardening, you must know the two types of tomato that you can grow and the one that are more suitable for outdoors is called indeterminate tomatoes. This type of tomatoes will grow throughout the period prior to harvest and they are also known as vining tomatoes. Indeterminate tomato will continue to grow and bear fruits for a few harvest seasons before they are killed off either by diseases, pests or bad weather conditions.
We call the second type of tomatoes determinate tomatoes. They will stop growing after reaching a certain size and all of them will bear fruit at the same time, which is only for a short period of two weeks. You might consider replanting determinate tomatoes after each harvest season as the fruit production will start to plummet after the first flourish of fruits.
As a beginner, I would suggest you to start your tomato gardening campaign during the spring when everything is starting to warm up. During this season, you will have wider options as to whether to plant your tomato indoors or outdoors and to choose the type of planting methods you prefer.
You will then need to choose between whether to plant your tomatoes using seeds or by transplanting the plants that you can purchase from your local nurseries. If you pick the former option, you are required to start indoors using some small containers.After they are six to nine weeks old, you can transplant them from the containers to outdoors or a bigger container.
The most important thing that you have to keep in mind is to water your tomato plants every single day and make sure that they get adequate sunlight exposure. Tomato plants thrive well under an average temperature of 85ºF for the daytime. You should not be worrying about this as most vegetables have the same temperature for optimum growth.
If you prefer to start your tomato gardening efforts indoors, you will need a metal halide high intensity grow lights. These light are not the same as normal fluorescent lamp as they provide ample UV rays for your tomato plants. To ensure optimum growth, 18 hours of grow lights exposure daily is required.
Want to know the Top 10 tomato gardening tips that people have been using to harvest tonnes of big, red, juicy tomatoes every harvest season? Click on tomato gardening now to get the 10 tips for FREE today.
Also, the last tip will reveal how you can harvest your tomatoes way earli er than others. Click on now to check it out today!
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